The Value of Chiropractic Care for Seniors
The Foundation for Chiropractic Progress produces a plethora of material, including tip sheets, resource sheets, infographics, social media postings and much more, that communicate the value of chiropractic care for seniors. The resources can be easily downloaded and used as patient education resources to help inform your patients about chiropractic care and its role in fall prevention and optimizing health.
To view and download sample resources, please reference the two PDFs below.
The resources above are generally only accessible to Foundation for Chiropractic Progress members as a special perk of membership. We have granted public access to these two resources so that doctors of chiropractic can take advantage of the valuable information to share with their patients. Other advantages of membership with the Foundation for Chiropractic Progress include but are not limited to:
- A listing in its National Find-A-Doctor Directory, included in all national promotions
- Complimentary listings in WebMD, and the American Academy of Spine Physicians’ doctor directories
- Social Media Accelerators™, weekly, click-to-share social media postings
- Tip sheets, flyers, brochures, infographics, advertisements, posters, white papers, eBooks, press releases and so much more!