Group Member Benefits
- Basic listing in National Find-A-Doctor Directory, which includes your name, practice address and State Association logo
- Monthly Newsletter & Exclusive F4CP News Updates.
- Access to Live, Educational Webinars.
- Monthly Marketing Roadmaps: A month-at-a-glance, week-by-week guide of turnkey practice-building materials suitable for delegation to staff for implementation.*
- Monday Marketing Memos: Your weekly practice-building action steps in easy-to implement bites.*
- Weekly Podcasts: Weekly recommendations and table side talking points to market your practice and educate your patients.*
- Print Ads (Modification Permitted at Additional Cost).
- Electronic White Papers to Help Advocate for Their Practice.
- Free Non-CE Version of Athletic TIPS™ Certification Program: Become the Sports Injury Prevention Expert for Student and Amateur Athletes in Your Community.
- Directory Listing in American Academy of Spine Physicians and Access to Spinecare PR Toolkit
* Limited access for Group Members
Contact Information
Toll Free: 866-901-F4CP (3427)
Post Office Box 65, Folsom, CA 95763
Membership Contact us
If you have questions or would like to become a Group or Student member, let us know.
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